Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hatha Yoga Sept 2015

Decided to introduce Hatha Yoga to the group class .....

For me it is like 'Back to Basic' and enjoy flow from pranayama (breathing) to pawanmuktasana (joints exercise) then the Hatha Poses.

I did a variation of Surya Namaskra (Sun Salutation) and poses which involved forward & back bending, side stretching, twisting, balancing and not forgetting some core toning too before concluded with Shavasana (Deep Relaxation).

My gratitude to my special guest Sheao Min who is helping me capturing the beautiful moments....LOVE THEM ALL.



Thursday, September 17, 2015

Fun with Chair Yoga

Have you experience Chair Yoga? 让我们一起来做椅子瑜伽

Yoga anywhere and anytime ...随时、随地瑜伽


解除疲劳 eliminate fatigue、腰酸背痛 get rid lower back pain、改善肩颈痛 improve neck & shoulder pain、促进血液循环 promote blood circulation、容光焕发 anti aging、增强身体抵抗力 enhance antibody production 、美化手臂 tone upper arms、养颜护肤 radiance skin、让身体更健康 more healthy and happy.

  1. 椅上前倾
  2. 椅上细臂变化式
  3. 椅上美臂
  4. 椅上肩臂式
  5. 椅上扭轉式 
            1. 椅后猫式
            2. 椅后拱背式
            3. 头顶椅座式
            4. 椅后舞蹈式
            1. 椅前犁锄式
            2. 进階变化式
Perform the above as  per your own limit; safety come first.


Have Fun!


  生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹 守护着自己的健康,做自己人生的主人!我选择BLOOM 胶原蛋白,由里到外的调理。你想知道如何冻龄吗?来问我。 #身心灵 #正能量 #芳疗收 #冻龄的秘密