Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Invite Freedom Home

Taking a moment to read book by Tham Chee Wah again during this lunar new year holidays.

The lines that caught me, I like to share with you 

"What you think about and what you have been doing since you we're little, are not that different from what you are now. Think about it, if you constantly think and observe that retirement means 'old', 'white hair', and 'not working', it is time to free yourself of that thought and change it to the one that will shape the future your heart desires."

The following are the 4-steps you can use as a reference to create new thoughts. Be honest to yourself and work on these statements:

1. What do you believe
2. How do you do your life with this belief?
3. How would you do your life without this belief?
4. Createn New Thoughts

(Refer page 147 for the case study ^_^)

What are you waiting for? You can change and create new thought anytime, anywhere and anyplace.  Here is another good one:

"Choose to be happy now, not after you have made your millions. Choose to do your best now, not after you have got your dream job. Choose to live life to the fullest now, not after your children all grown up. Your future is determined by what you love doing now, at this moment. Because only love will grow. Only love expands. This is the law." 

I like to add on the above, "Choose to spend time with the family members, relatives & friends during this festive season now and not when you 'feel like to'.  Nothing is permanent and nobody can live forever; appreciate the moment and enjoy the companion.

I recently attended Chee Wah 2nd book launching & signing event at Popular, Paradigm. I really admire how Chee Wah carried himself and addressed the questions by his Fans ;) I am willing to take the challenge to change my thoughts and Invite Freedom Home. I wanted to travel the world like Chee Wah!  I am ready, how about you?

To all my readers, Happy Lunar New Year.

**Happy reading! Only through reading, one will grow smarter.


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