Monday, June 06, 2011

Husband & wife yoga

Oh no, I am not able to bend, I am not flexible, I cannot do shoulder stand..... Sound familiar when come to yoga practice?

I hope to reach out more to share my experience that yoga not just physical exercise (what is there to show off?), you will be able to enjoy breathing exercise, meditation, quiet your mind then of course you might know you will be more calm!!

In fact there is a side effect from yoga practice for partner yoga - It improve your relationship.......this is a feedback from my personal friends. This couple has been busy with their work ever since and add on their young kids at home, there basically no room for them at all.

The only time they have now since few months back is yoga with Ericca ;) they felt all the benefits and on top of that, they started to feel the 'love' and also 'body contact' when perform poses together.

Btw, the most important, they enjoy the yoga session at their prefer time and RIGHT AT THEIR DOOR STEP!

Drop me a note if you are keen to have a trial session ok.

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