Monday, May 14, 2012

Mandala - Circle

The first writing in May! (I have few in draft but somehow unable to finish them...too much of activities since the beginning of the month.)

I like to do a share how I get started with the drawing (in fact, we - Qin Kai and myself :))

I must thank you my dear friend Fui Peng for the encouragement - I am not new to the mandala but I always telling myself - NOT POSSIBLE, SO DIFFICULT, I am not CREATIVE etc. My dear friend will tell me, just draw a circle, quiet your mind and follow your heart! I DID IT!!

I can't wait to share this with QIn Kai and see those beautiful drawings below! It was just too amazing - now we will have fun at least twice a week, sitting down, drawing and coloring the mandala together. I treasure the beautiful moment together and to my suprise, Qin Kai kept telling me he has all the images in his mind and he just can't stop to put them out! Guess what, everytime, after the drawing, he will fall asleep very quickly ^-^

The other beautiful experience from this mandala drawing is that, Qin Kai will practice his midbrain to pick the color he wanted! Just do it the fun way .... draw, spend time together, practice what have been learn and SIMPLY TOO GOOD not to share.


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  生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹 守护着自己的健康,做自己人生的主人!我选择BLOOM 胶原蛋白,由里到外的调理。你想知道如何冻龄吗?来问我。 #身心灵 #正能量 #芳疗收 #冻龄的秘密