Monday, April 23, 2012

GUT & Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)


Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAP Syndrome or GAPS) is a condition, which establishes a connection between the functions of the digestive system and the brain.

I am very grateful to attend the seminar by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride, MD, MMedSci (neurology), MMedSci (human nutrition) last Fri organized by Hils Learning @ The International School, Desa Park City.

This is really something new for me and now I have better understanding the condition behind many mental and physical problems, which our children and adults suffer from, such as autism, hyperactivity and attention deficit, dyslexia, dyspraxia, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, eating disorders and more.

Unlike the other 'medical/ health seminars' I have attended, Dr Natasha presentation is rather easy to understand and the flow is just right (Unfortunately, this is just a 3 hours session else I am sure there are more she can share with us).

In short, we all know that Antibiotic, Pills, Drugs, Stress, Poor Diet, Infection, Bottle feeding, Old age, Pollution, Radiation, Alcohol, Toxic Chemicals and Dental work is affecting the healthy stage of the GUT Flora......HOW CAN WE PREVENT ALL THAT?

I strongly believe this is individual CONSCIOUS choice. I might be aware but I choose to do nothing or I do not have the opportunity to expose to such information, so I don't know....

Now, I am sharing this information with you, it has the complete details there and do take a look; you do not know how this will help you, your family members and friends who have suffered the above syndroms....

Btw, the GAPS Diet seems very interesting; it has been strongly stressed to consume food that is given by mother nature!! All invented by man-kind is Dangerous, Destructive and cause DAMAGES.

You may find in the web a section on "Food To avoid" and "Recommended food" - ARE YOU READY TO TAKE ON THE CHALLENGE ^-^

Lastly, there's also an area cover 'Detoxifiction & Life Stlye Change'. I guess this is not a problem for me since I have been doing that for a while ....maybe just need to fine-tune to get the maximun result :)

Well, I can keep on writing and you will find me boring for sure (ha ha).Quickly click on the link given above and you find out more from Dr Natasha yourself,

Wish you all Well and Healthy.



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