Tuesday, July 01, 2014

GetActive 2014



不论你稱它为筋或是肌腱、肌膜、韌带。只要隨着年龄增长,老化是无可避免⋯但通过均衡的饮食、作息、情绪管理、良好的气血循环、姿势及拉筋(请注意每个人身体柔软度都不一样,只要平日多多練练习適合自己的放松拉筋组合、可以预防许多筋缩、筋紧带来的痠痛及毛病! 是平时都动动,不是一次做多多或做久久。这样会运动过量,自讨苦吃!)是可以缓慢老化 (这可能须要更长的时间运动,耐心及用心)。改善了以上几点也调养了內脏功能,由內至外都健康。

想信不少人都有这的经验,做了很多有氧运动但还是肥肥肉肉的? 但经过几个星期的專門训练之後,发现课程只加入了核心利用重量训练肌力让我有意外收获! 给錢上课,继续学习,真是太棒了。(你看看插图就知道啦) 现在把基本动作学好,那可以越来越年轻美丽!


以上提到犹質蛋白營养,也就是说饮食,如何吃,吃什么,也真是一門学问!(之前有一阵子瘦到乾乾的、一点也不健康! 恐怖)所以不只是为了瘦身,对养身或只想要健康的身体都很重要。我參考了擇食、果汁瘦腹、瑜伽靈食、慈济养生书及原始点的姜茶来自我调理。我要強调,每个人都是独特的。这一套方法適合我但不一定適合你。请自己多尝试,只要尽量避免加工、化学、及垃 圾食物既可。

其实、对我而言,睡眠是最重要。足够的睡眠可以让身体自己做修补工作! 我睡夠了吗?如果你了解我深入一点,你会知道。下回有机会我会再聊睡觉这塊。


祝 快乐

Happy day. As per request, I am translating this page for my English Reading friends.

What's this blog about? I am sharing my experience after attending Personal Trainer sessions @ GetActive.

In general, I have a better insight the important of training on how to use of roller and balls to release the tension on the muscles, muscles endurance, stability and core training apart from the 'yoga stretching and flexibility' ^-^

We all know that exercise is important but what form of exercise best meet our requirement? I am sure you have friends who exercise everyday (I mean REALLY EXTREMELY into exercise) but they are not 'Fit Physically'?  The form is not there in term of appearance? WHY? Do you exercise occasionally or you are determine to set your exercise schedule? I always like to remind myself, stay on the 'Middle Path'. *-* (each of us are unique and you will know your body well, what suit me not necessary will work for you. You have to experience yourself. It has took me some years to put together what I have experience from the yoga, alternative therapy, diet therapy, LaJin, OPM, Juicing and etc. I would say it is not easy but I am enjoying every process and I absolutely love to share what I have experienced too. LOVING IS SHARING....)

No doubt we all aged but how do we slow down the aging process? Via exercise, the right type of exercise, moderate and diet play an important role not only for slimming, I personally find it is for the 'healthy body'. Other than that, the lifestyle need to change too. If you exercise, but you didn't control your diet (eat all the white food, processed food, deep fried stuffs, less green. WATCH OUT!). How about sleep, insufficient sleep will impact your health and age faster too.

This indeed a new experience for me this year and I really thank you my sponsor for this great opportunity to meet up with the 'specialists' and I am so grateful for their guidance and sharing. I always gain new inform action after each session.

Last but not least, did I mention the important of 'Quality Sleep'? If you know me well, you know I am not going to tolerate when come to this.

p.s I have included the following snapshots for your quick guide. Thank You Sin Peow for all the beautiful photos


Massaging the gluteus maximus (keep it up if you want to put yourself into size S)

Liver meridian....pain pain

别忘了小腿 (比目鱼肌)也须多放松
Relieving calf muscles

Do you know you need to have a strong Quad to avoid knee pain

This rolling will improve the ITB muscles

Use of the 'balls' to massage between should blades all the way down...enjoy
You try it and you will know

核心训练。你可以吗? 侧核心训练、30秒⋯10⋯还没到呀!
Plank = core training...Can you hold for a minute ^-^

Balancing pose and avoid these if knee pain

Squat for hamstring muscles

Stretching for Glutes Maximus

Use of yoga props for single leg stretch

Seated forward bend - feel your hamstring muslces


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  生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹 守护着自己的健康,做自己人生的主人!我选择BLOOM 胶原蛋白,由里到外的调理。你想知道如何冻龄吗?来问我。 #身心灵 #正能量 #芳疗收 #冻龄的秘密