Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Yoga with love

Teaching yoga is my primary focus now. The more I teach, the greater joy I experienced...

This is because it is my hobby and passion I have in yoga. It brings out the love automatically and I am sure those have attended my class, can feel it ;)

A very quick sharing on one of the finding recently:-

Sinus vs body temperature

1. This happen mainly in the morning
2. After moderate of exercise, it will be gone
3. This can be very irritating but it can be healed ...
4. Always keep your body warm/ covered
(as most people sleep without their shirt especially men ;))
5. Practice joint exercise, follow by sun salutation to warm up body (promote blood circulation)
6. Practice Jalan Neti *you can perform this twice a day and you will be impressed with the result

You might find this difficult as I will have my socks and blanket every night without fail. At time, I even put on the knee and ankle protector to keep my joints warm. Once you are getting use to these, it will become a routine. I also suggest to set a timer for the air-con as you might be aware how it dehydrate your body throughout the night ^_^

I have been practicing Jala Neti with Qin Kai every evening for months now. He is very happy as that not only solved his 'sinus' problem, he enjoy spending the time with me...(he likes to observe how the water flow from my nose trail is faster or slower some of the time. For sure, it is not easy to get him to practice, thanks to my yoga friend who share a tip with me to let him do this at one nosetrial and when he is ready, he practice the complete set ;)


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