Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Trying hard to get pregnant? Getting frustrated with the rountine sex 'chore', suffering unexplained infertility? The answer could be due to 'STRESS' or unable to relax.

There are lot of articles you can read from the internet - natural tips and guidelines. One of it is YOGA!!! (you know I how I love yoga and surely I am not going to miss the articles).

In short, yoga help you to RELAX (teaches you how to relax and reducing the stress level). When you are in the relax stage, hormones will be balance, blood flow to the entire body regulated

I am going to share with you the following hatha yoga poses that will increase your fertility and to relax. There's no testimonial so far the positive result but in my opinion, at least one will feel very relax and wanting to practice over and over again.

You may practice these asana 3 times a week, and always listen to your body and follow your own capacity whenever you are on the mat! Safety come first. I trust the more your practice, you better you are going to feel.

The following asana (poses) increase your prana/energy; promote blood circulation and strengthening the muscles in your pelvic regions.

1. Lotus Pose / half lotus
2. Wide leg forward

3. Butterfly Pose
4. Abdominal twist
5. Legs on the Wall Pose
6. Child's Pose
7. Pelvic Tilt Pose
8. Supported Bridge Pose

My drawing is not so good, if you like to have a session for the following practice, drop me a note ^-^

Apart from the physical exercise, you might want to consider changing your life style and eating habbit. Let's see you have how many 'ticks' from the 10 below:
  • Sleep late (> 11pm)
  • Shower after 8pm (this including wash hair at night)
  • Enjoy cold drinks (Ice tea is a must during lunch)
  • Fast food is your choice
  • Smoke & drink
  • Access to junk food easily
  • You like fried food
  • Vegetable & fruit always out of your mind
  • Hectic work life (biz trip, con-call, meeting after meeting)
  • Your parents on your back when you will deliver baby

You have the POWER to CHANGE and what are you waiting for? Start now if you know what you want --> TODAY IS THE DAY


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