Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A day filled with Gratitude

Today is a bless day spending time with Qin Kai out in KL from morning till late afternoon....

My initial intention is very selfish - I want to get this boy out from the house so that he can stay away from his iPad! We have a deal that no iPad allow when are out from the house!!

I knew this has become a trend in most family and when you don't have other activities for your kids, there they go - glued on the iPad! Well, this is not my main topic today, we can talk about it in another article.

Both of us enjoyed the drive from Shah Alam to KL then followed by appointments after appointments -  one after another none stop! We had great time enjoying the Japanese food @ Shojikiya and followed by my favourite drinks @ Starbucks! Before we headed home, we even managed to had Qin Kai very first and own bank account registered with MBB :) Then the last stop is to have a nice & neat hair cut, all set and ready to back to school the next day!
Since we have gone out since the morning, I have guessed Qin Kai will be exhausted....out of my expectation, after his shower, he drew the 'notes of gratitude' on all the activities we have done the whole day. I were so touched and impressed! I complimented him for his job well done but (well, you saw the word 'but' and I admitted that this is a very bad habit and I wanted to get rid of this bad habit with immediately....) I wanted him to prepare another slide with our photos (the second image in this article!)....

Qin Kai very steadily shared his opinion that 'the most important thing throughout the whole day was we both have had good time and whether the notes have been produced in picture format or drawing was not they key'. Wow, this really strike me instantly!

In many occasions, we parents only focus on what we wanted and how often we did spend time to observe what our kids can produce out from their creativity and uplift them from there? This applied to almost everything (choosing the colour to paint for their bedroom, after school curriculum, courses to enrol, what to eat, who to mix with .....the list will go on.....)

Parents please remembered your kids are unique and special in their own way!  Respect them and honoured their choices; explained to them choice and consequences. Let go and be patience; your kids will feel your love and respect you to allow them to be who they are.

Before I end this article, Qin Kai told me he welcome my idea to prepare the notes in picture format together for our next outing!   ^-^

I am so proud of you Qin Kai. I love you and thank you for your presence in my life and to allow me to learn and grow together.


notes of gratitude by Qin Kai

The version of 'note of gratitude' I wish from Qin Kai ....

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