Monday, June 30, 2014

Setia Super Kids Yoga


Why I like kids yoga? It is the moment I enjoy playing and have fun with the kids (I may have prepared the lesson plan before the class, at time I might not use them at all ^_^ I will usually follow the flow or the 'conditions' based on the day).

Kids have been loaded with lot of activities after school. Did we parents really ask and listen to them that they enjoying or they just follow our instructions? Do we allow them to just do nothing and relax ^_^

The academic result really that important? Or we will be more happy to see them happy, healthy, full of confident, with their own talent?
 现在的孩子除了上学、補习、画画、学音乐、节目排得滿满的。这是孩子喜欢的吗?父母须要多关心、观察孩子是否在快乐、开心的学习? 要適当时给予他们解压力。偶而让孩子有"空白"的休闲、这可以让他们的脑袋放松、冷静。孩子的成绩不是一切,最重要孩子健康、快乐、有自信、有專长,那就很好了!

I love to see when kids turned the asana into variation based on their creativity and as long as it is safe and not cause any injury, I will let the kids explore all the possibilities.

I have observed (including myself) has an expectation from our kids. Indeed this is our problem and not them. When there is an expectation, there will be disappointment and follow by the scolding.... I now keep reminding myself to allow the kids to grow at their own pace .....


我也想提醒父母千万别把孩子的信全骂光! 当孩子没有了信心,他们就会退缩、逃避、也更愤怒⋯

Let the kids have the hands on the mandala and you will be amazed what they going to produce. Just let the kids draw what they like to draw or pick the color they like and just allow....we just play our role to uplift and compliment them.

'Living hood' is the best education and I strongly encourage parents to allow their kids to take part in the daily house chores. I find it very interesting and exciting to bring the kids out in the mother nature. Travelling also play an important part and this will be a "LIVE learning' and not just information from the books, magazine or internet!

This is the time the kids will feel relax and able to communicate more what they have inside them (please don't underestimate kids will not get the depression...) At time, they just wish we are there to LISTEN and with a big HUG to comfort them.


生活就是教育,从日常生活上的细节和经验,都是敎育的重要部分,让他们參于家务,自己动手準備简单料理。(下次有机会我会強调NO KAKAK in my class) 。什么事都佣人代勞。饭来张口。有一天佣人不做了!谁辛苦呀!)週末、假日,带孩子到户外散步、公园野餐、爬山、旅行,都是培养亲子关系的好方法。

另外也想分享在孩子最须要我们的时候 (有心事、难过、委屈了),用心倾听、听他说,这才可以知道孩子在想什么。如果我们大人可以先把自己的心門打开,站在他们的立场,他们一定会体会我们的贴心。

It is definitely alright to let the kids DOING NOTHING. I personally find this is the best way to relax their body and mind. To let the kids to stay at the PRESENT.

I also noticed via story telling, I can deliver the message of keeping positive mind, uplift words,  grow love, help each other and etc. It is very important to plant the seeds of Good Value since young.
I look forward the next intake for kids yoga and I welcome your sharing too.







Friday, June 20, 2014

My Journey with Aura Soma

What is Aura Soma?
A form of color therapy, energy work  that supports our physical, mental, emotion and spiritually.
It's the combination energies from color, plant and crystal restore balance and calm to our energetic system. It's a life journey, stay calm and enjoy the experience...(note to self).

Thank You and I am Grateful

I always attracted to natural therapies
How do you use your pomanders?
Any particular bottle that 'jump out'?
They are so beautiful and attractive right

Hello Teacher, thanks for the beautiful healing session

Monday, June 16, 2014

You Can Heal Yourself

很感恩有机会上了三天的原始点医学. 这也是第一次明白原始点医学论理的"因果缘".(这我须更深層的了解)

你知道吗,我们都须要熱的能量来让身体有自癒的能力。(我最记得E.Excel Dr Chen 时常提醒我们不要生气,因为生气会让我们的能量流失,让免疫系统下降! 无法进行修复体伤的本能!这也是为什么中医养生常常要我们保持一颗平静的心,情绪不要有太大的波动哦,请保持平稳的心情.)

当一个人长期、过度服用寒凉的蔬果藥物不知不觉身体熱源透支,也隨着年齡增加、体內熱能也越来越弱。须更注意外內增熱源(温熱饮食、濃薑湯、温暖暖包、敷袋、熱床垫、电熱毯、薑粉、薑泥⋯), 这可以延慢减熱的速度。

  • 正確的保健观念
  • 適量的运动
  • 生活要有规律
  • 適当的作息
  • 放松心情

接下来要分享原始点手法。我要提到的是接受按摩的人,是非常舒適的,那么幫人家按摩的那一位又有谁幫自己按呢?. 我现在将我所認识的轮棒及球、针对原始点的重要部位,DIY哦

头部 已经见证针对打鼾、头痛、耳嗚、牙痛、失眠、感冒、鼻子过敏、青春痘都有效
背部  这里是中医所指的膀胱经。按推之後可用熱袋增加熱源
肩部 肩胛骨旁內侧特殊点有效针对乳癌、肺癌、咳嗽、胸闷


薦椎 涵蓋下臀痛、小腹及恥骨
臀部 所有与腿部至踝关节痛

足背部、踝部  足汗、足裂、痛风、香港脚

手背部 手指痛、麻

 肘部  手汗、富贵手、手癣、风湿性关节炎


我想特别强調,只要找到一样癒療或养身是合适自己,就以平常心去进行。我深信只要有恆心、耐心、一定会看到效果。除了保健、其他的收获都是bonus 啦。






  生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹 守护着自己的健康,做自己人生的主人!我选择BLOOM 胶原蛋白,由里到外的调理。你想知道如何冻龄吗?来问我。 #身心灵 #正能量 #芳疗收 #冻龄的秘密