Wednesday, February 27, 2013

资源回收 - part 2

你开始做环保了吗?我準備了以下一係列的照片,可以更清楚的認识垃圾分类。(这里只有一般可回收的垃圾,我家没有買汽水–没有拍到铝瓶的照片^_^. 至于厨馀,你也可以在家开始準備一个收集桶。我妈妈通常都把果皮及不新鲜的蔬菜收集後去做堆肥呢!)



3个R,现在做了Recycle 回收,接下来的2个R⋯
Reuse 循环:省錢又环保,何乐不为

Are you ready for the 3 R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!)? The following pictures tell a thousand words....

Start TODAY to save the beautiful mother earth for our next generation.




塑膠袋: 回收








Monday, February 25, 2013

La Jin, Pai Da, Roller, Easecox, Yong Living, Ramedicare

Backache 'attack' after a 3D2N trip to Pen. Guessed I was too ambitious and exciting trying to do a lot of things during this short stay, with the hot weather in Pen, long hours of driving and not enough rest, were the contribution of the attack! (Well, the lesson learnt, will spend extra 1-2 days and Relax for my next visit!! Ha ha.)

The last severe pain was some time in 2007-2008 (if I remembered correctly!) and I have to have an injection and on the physiotherapy for 2 weeks. What a nightmare!

Anyhow, with my trust and confident in self healing, I decided not to have any western medicine this round. I was healed almost 80% in 3 days time with the following miracles:

Roller & Young Living Ortho Ease
Yuan Xi Dian pressure pointLa Jin & pai da
Ramedicare Amazing patch
Easecox girdle
E.excel G-Art 

My gratitude to my cousin sister and a friend I met in Judy Lou Shi workshop who shared with me the Yuan Xi Dian technique ( here the link, you can take a look, you will find more from the you tube - I can find the point quickly and easily. Then with the roller and YL oil, perfect matching! 

La Jin on the other hand help to lengthening the muscles, once I managed to sit up myself, I didn't wait any longer to get onto the chair for the La Jin. (I am impressed, I am enjoying the entire 30 minutes for both legs) While I was on the chair, I was doing the pai da on the both side of my thigh, I felt good.

I have been wearing Easecox girdle for the 3rd year now. This is so far one of the best girdle that with the tourmaline crystal 'in it', it promoted blood circulation & keeping my waist warm, supporting my back and slim the tummy too! (It has travelled with me to lot of countries too!) Ramedicare medicated herbal healing plaster, I always have it handy since the ingredients are plants based and can Improves blood circulation and able feel to relief muscular and body aches quickly ^_^ (well, not only ah gong and ah ma will need that ok J)

E.Excel - G-ART supports joint and bone health, it is a plant-based diet rich in glutamine and antioxidants provides the body with material to stimulate glucosamine production and help renew joint cartilage. (Well, sister, I will remember to eat as frequent as possible and not only when in pain J)

Conclusion, blood circulation played an important part in our daily life, it is important to keep our body warm and active. Again, I trust and I knew I can heal myself (this is the key I guessed…)



Tuesday, February 19, 2013




父母因为无法接受自己的孩子与別人不同;时时不停的与别家孩子作比较,那父母肯定不开心,也可能天天生气! (只有当一个人生理上有毛病时,他会无法控制自己发脾气。)如果身体健康的父母,对孩子、事、物有所期待\要求,而期待\要求不是自己想要的就生气、感到失望。



我注意到女孩好像比较容易管教。但我知道女孩或男孩,他们对自己所作所为感到疲惫时,那时候,他们就会改变!"那时候"会是几时? 我不知道⋯我只能很用心,给于充分的时间及空间让他们去经历及成长。

I will try my best to translate my article above. This is the sharing on my own experience in parenting.

I read somewhere, it stated "Children are from heaven". They are unique, talented in their own way, parents please trust children will learn and grow from the mistakes they encountered. All they need from us is our trust and space for them to excel!

Parents please do not compare your children and they should be individualize! Do you know why you are upset with your children? You have an EXPECTATION and when the expectations have not been fulfilled, you  got upset / angry / frustrated.

Parents have forgotten, all children are special in their own way and cannot be compared. Most parents have this thinking "They are MY children, I know the best for them!"  Even you know they are an apple tree but you want to up bringing them as pearl tree!!! Do you see the damage?

My unique one at home is a boy and I always think girls might be easy to manage. Now, I changed my thought, whether he is boy or she is a girl. Only if I allow the space, time, provide the guidance & support, give them the trust, confident and lot of love, they will grow strong and excel. Not forgetting, one of the key word in parenting - ROLE MODEL! Don't let this fail you.

We cannot change anyone including the children, only when they are sick and tired of what they are doing or even himself. He will CHANGE  I have no clue when but the day will come. Parents need to  have patience and most importantly, with love & trust.


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day 2013

Is Valentine's Day tomorrow. It is The Day most ladies are looking forward; a day out dating with their lovers, enjoying candle light dinner, expecting presents and listening to sweet talks :) (I was once like that too...I can be date too, anyone? ha ha)

Don't you think The Day has been too commercialize? Things are extremely expensive; are they really value for money?

Do one need to wait till The Day to 'show their love'? buy expensive present? What if one can practice honesty, respect, loving and peacefulness any time, any place and any where?

I like my partner who will listen to me, resepct and honour the space and do the things I like. I am sure you will like too the companion who always encourage you, keep constant communication and very loving.  I am sure this relationship will last forever ^-^
Everyday is my Valentine's day. I don't need a reson to take care my personal grooming, I enjoy my date, dining, shopping. I can even buy a boutique of flower to freshen up the house.

Lastly, I wish you all A very Happy Valentine's Day. Every day is a good day :)

(Do remember to wish your parents, siblings, children, neighbours and whoever that you bump into a very warm greetings too!)

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Invite Freedom Home

Taking a moment to read book by Tham Chee Wah again during this lunar new year holidays.

The lines that caught me, I like to share with you 

"What you think about and what you have been doing since you we're little, are not that different from what you are now. Think about it, if you constantly think and observe that retirement means 'old', 'white hair', and 'not working', it is time to free yourself of that thought and change it to the one that will shape the future your heart desires."

The following are the 4-steps you can use as a reference to create new thoughts. Be honest to yourself and work on these statements:

1. What do you believe
2. How do you do your life with this belief?
3. How would you do your life without this belief?
4. Createn New Thoughts

(Refer page 147 for the case study ^_^)

What are you waiting for? You can change and create new thought anytime, anywhere and anyplace.  Here is another good one:

"Choose to be happy now, not after you have made your millions. Choose to do your best now, not after you have got your dream job. Choose to live life to the fullest now, not after your children all grown up. Your future is determined by what you love doing now, at this moment. Because only love will grow. Only love expands. This is the law." 

I like to add on the above, "Choose to spend time with the family members, relatives & friends during this festive season now and not when you 'feel like to'.  Nothing is permanent and nobody can live forever; appreciate the moment and enjoy the companion.

I recently attended Chee Wah 2nd book launching & signing event at Popular, Paradigm. I really admire how Chee Wah carried himself and addressed the questions by his Fans ;) I am willing to take the challenge to change my thoughts and Invite Freedom Home. I wanted to travel the world like Chee Wah!  I am ready, how about you?

To all my readers, Happy Lunar New Year.

**Happy reading! Only through reading, one will grow smarter.


Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Happy Lunar New Year 2013





Wishing all my friends Happy Lunar New Year 2013

Friday, February 01, 2013

资源回收 - part 1

在环保站幫忙回收的師伯、師兄、師姐及小菩萨,也忙得好开心。 虽然回收物及垃圾几乎是没有分类的!(只有少数,感谢他们的环保概念。)

我想在此让大家看看如何分类回收物及垃圾的短片 ,我们一起来学习。


欢迎你们参于在Kota Kemuning 每个星期五,晚上八时在RT附近的慈济环保站。




  生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹 守护着自己的健康,做自己人生的主人!我选择BLOOM 胶原蛋白,由里到外的调理。你想知道如何冻龄吗?来问我。 #身心灵 #正能量 #芳疗收 #冻龄的秘密