Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Why Detox - 排毒?


大致上排毒不只是为了 减肥,因该是为了让腸胃更干净,有能力吸收營养, 让身体做该的事,那我们会更健康和有个轻盈的身体。
以下是我个人的一些方法,只供大家参考, 因为每个人的狀况不一样,要学会听自己的身体, 找到最合适自己的一套排毒法。

Myrescue - 我出远门、除了时差,气候、饮食、心情都会响排便。这是我的救星
Ayuveda 印度自然养身排毒法。难度4/5

Jala Neti 洗鼻法




有氧的运动 -游泳、脚踏車、跑步

健康的身体來自平衡的饮食、运动及睡眠。相信大家都听过藥補不如食補,  吃可是一门学问,有机会我也要多研究一下下。很多时後吃不在吃了多少,而是排出多少!那在吃前先知道要把什么放进身体,不是更好吗?认同?

运动可以是一有氧的、伸展拉经、重训(肌力練习). 女生们请注意,加强肌力训练比控制体重更佳!

每个身体都是独特的, 不论是什么方法, 还是回到原点, 你有堅持了吗?

如相更深入了解其, 请私聊。

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

You will always on my mind...

We are not going to see you physically from now onwards, but your teaching will always be remembered. Lunar New Year just around the corner and I can still clearly remember how you making joke on why most Chinese will hang the 'Fu' down side down and also we are so used to greet 'Gong Xi Fa Cai' or 'Happy Chinese New Year' instead of 'Happy New Year'.

You have put in so much effort to deliver your teaching in a very easy understand (which can be relate to our daily life) yet I have to admit it took me a while to understand ...Anyhow, I never regret the commitment to attend the Saturday seminars and ACIM which took place every 2nd weekend of the month. Remembered you once said 'I NEVER PROMISE IT IS GOING TO BE EASY, BUT THE RESULT WILL BE PROMINANT".
Out of your many seminars, my favourite topic will be no other than 'Spiritual Parenting' or later it was called 'Effective Parenting'. I have gained so much from these seminars and to date, I am very conscious and mindful when dealing with the boy at home.....'YOUR SON IS NOT YOUR SON....he came through you and he will have his choice....'
I am very blessed to still keep all the materials you have passed to us during your seminars. These not only served as Reminders but also good practice that can be apply and shine light to others. There are so much I can write but in SHORT, to know and to put into practice require consistency and determination.....
Even I have forgotten the rest, this LPG = LOVE PRAISE and GRATITUTE already become part of me. Everyone LOVE LPG.

Beautiful Teaching and powerful messages - THE LESSON IS ALWAYS LOVE
Thank You my dearest teacher Sri TianSoo, because of you, I AM WHO I  AM TODAY. Loving myself more, making my Living....Living & Giving. I LOVE YOU & MISS you dearly


  生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹 守护着自己的健康,做自己人生的主人!我选择BLOOM 胶原蛋白,由里到外的调理。你想知道如何冻龄吗?来问我。 #身心灵 #正能量 #芳疗收 #冻龄的秘密