Saturday, April 11, 2020

Yin Yoga or Yang Yoga

I hardly write long sharing but I today I decided to write something different today ...

Often people will ask what type of yoga I am teaching? Yang Yoga? Yin Yoga? Therapy Yoga, Restorative Yoga? Tennis ball Yoga (I knew some of you call me Tennis Ball Teacher) or Trigger Points Yoga ....

To make things easy, YANG (Remember Sunlight, Masculine energy ☀️ ), you do lot of movements , pose after pose, or perhaps 1 breathing 1 movements, this focus a lot on muscles and you might sweats ... “Viniyasa Yoga, Flow Yoga, Power Yoga ....”

On the other hand, YIN (Remember the Moon 🌕 Feminine energy), you will hold in one particular pose 3-5 minutes (beginners about 1 minute)! Usually only less than 10 poses in an hour session, this will work in the connective tissues, generally seated or lying down poses and focus a lot on breathing....

You will have to explore and experience yourself the type of yoga that most suitable for you. Sometimes, the practice is good for your friends but it’s not for you. #we are all unique self 😇

Yoga has lot of positive effects - you can ask Mr Google and you will get a lot !!! (anyhow trust me, one has to stay long enough with it in order to feel it !!!! As it’s not like instant noodle, it cannot be cook and ready to serve without 3 minutes) 😆

According to the 8 Limbs of Yoga, yoga pose (we call it Asana in Sanskrit ) just one of it! Unfortunately, this is the part that has been Focus a lot and been overly highlighted (my own opinion 😜).
So, in order to really enjoy and cultivate the peace of mind, we have to put all the 8 Limbs together. Well, again, it will take times ... (You heard enough the 8 Limbs of Yoga, i will write about this in the next sharing perhaps.)

Now, come to the most important part, Yin or Yang, muscles or connective tissue, you just need to Take Action, get down to your yoga mat and Move your body #ActNow

Many times, we talk to much without action #why we have one mouth and 4 limbs?


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