Sunday, August 30, 2015

Kai 15



1。 早睡早起--》週未例外
2。 正確饮食习惯--》阿嘛煮什么就吃什么.最好有肉肉
3。 自己整理书桌--》我的桌面从不乱过
4。 运动--》这个是我的强项,不然的话妈妈说我能量太多
5。 做家务--》洗自己的校服,抹地和倒垃圾都是我的任务
6。 这一项有待进步,玩了好心情,做作业就好脾气
7。 考试前我一定会读书
8。 终于有一样我做到了--》 但我是在出门之前最后一分钟才收拾
9。 我老爸喜欢闻我的头,所以他来找我时,我会認真洗凊潔
12。 我还知道待人要真诚,有礼让的精神
13。 口说好话,脸常常带着微笑



Friday, August 28, 2015


相信之下这则广告不陌生吧?不只是年轻人眼癌急增, 戴眼镜的小朋友也日益增多。


睡前看电视、电腦、 平板、手机已经成为习惯

随着科技的发达,许多人都手不离电视、电腦、 平板、手机,甚至也牺牲珍贵的睡眠时间


嚴重缺乏睡眠是最大的根源 (眼睛也出现重重问题!!!)
肝胆相照,在疏通肝时也不忘胆经,增强人体 的吸收能力


可以做眼球轉动运动, 適量闭目养神


最後在饮食方面摄取深色疏菜水果 + 晚上11时前就卧 + 保持放松心情,脸带微笑

培养適合自已的养生方法, 然後要堅持. 睡眠改善了, 肝平衡了, 人不容易发脾气, 身体各器官也健康了  这样可以停止惡性循环, 也可以避免很多的疾病!!!



Thursday, August 20, 2015

The power of LEMON

Find out the many ways to apply your Lemon Essential Oil, one of the cheapest oil from Young Living Collection.
1. Diffuse Lemon EO or apply on the feet of new born
2.  Lemon is consider the most gentle option for new born and toddler
3. Most young children love the aroma of Lemon
1. Remove stains with ease
2. Cleanse sweaty and smelly laundry
3. Love the after wash smell on my bed sheets and curtains
4. Cleanser for vegetables and fruits
5. Use Lemon and Thieve household Cleaner during your housekeeping

1. Massage Lemon with V6 oil 30 mins onto the super oily  scalp
2. Lemon has the effect for skin whitening
3. It also an option for teeth whitening

1. Fight fungus, yeast  and bacteria infection
2. Tighten after birth skin/cellulite
3. Lemon contain agent to reduce fatty liver
4. It works well to lower cholesterol
5. Use of Lemon to perform Lymphatic massage

Do feel free to drop me a message if you love to find more the HOW TO or if you have any other questions in relate to the Essential Oil.


Thursday, August 06, 2015

Bowling Time









Saturday, August 01, 2015

Happy Travel with your Essential Oils

Some of my EO bags
与你分享我常常会被问到的问题“我可以带精油上飞机吗?还是要放进大行旅袋後check in?


我会收集不同的精油包包,每当出游时方便携带。我也时时换不一样的油,peppermint,Lavender, lemon, cypress, grapefruit, peppermint,lemongrass, digeze,White Angelika, purification,  tea tree, cedarwood, thieves, RC, Joy, SF, Endoflex, deep relief roll on, stress away,clary sage.....



I always receive this type of questions

1. Can I take my EO on board with me or shall I check in.,
2. Do I need to declare?

Well, I always travel with my oils in a well padded bag that holds up to 16 essential oils bottle, be it 5ml or 15ml onboard with me and I have no encounter any problem (moreover the bottles all under the 100ml limit !!)

The second question, I didn't declare as the oil for my personal usage and not for commercial.  Anyhow, you might want to check with the local country regulations before trip.

By the way, I have NO PROBLEM packing for my trips into my very check  in size luggage (which already more than 10 years old now ...). Whether I am traveling to a cold country where I need to bring more thick clothing or just within Asia; this is the luggage I will use and I always have the things I want (I can even bring along my heat blanket ha ha ha). I believe the way we pack for trips is really personal preference and well, and experience count too. Ha ha. You know what I mean ^_^

Most of the time, you will find essential oils scattered throughout my sling bag as well as my back pack so I can reach for any one of them easily. I also change the oil from time to time but most of the time, they are no other than Lavender, lemon, cypress, grapefruit, peppermint,lemongrass, digeze,White Angelika, purification,  tea tree, cedarwood, thieves, RC, Joy, SF, Endoflex, deep relief roll on, stress away,clary sage.....

Hope you find this ino useful and happy travel with Young Living Essentiak Oil.

Bon Voyage.

Characteristics of Yin Yoga

Some came back to me and asking the diff  between Yin Yoga vs. General Exercises.

I have list down the characteristics of Yin and hope will give you a better insight.

  • 以自己的能力范围慢慢地进入某种姿势
    • get into a pose with your own capability
  • 必须集中意识、让身体靜止1分钟
    • with conscious mind, be still for 1 minute
  • 接受当下,全然放松
    • letting to and be at the present
  • 使内在的五脏六腑达到平衡
    • promote balance of the internal organs
  • 让身体结谛组织自然放松
    • connective tissue will regain its balance stage
  • 全身舒暢,充满着满满的正能量
    • relax and full of positive energy
  • 快节奏,身体 像机械般不停地在动
    • fast pace and continuous movement
  • 没有意识
    • with or without conscious mind
  • 只为追求、达到目标
    • goal oriented
  • 肌肉可比非常的发达
    • focus on muscles
  • 消耗体力,流汗量大.需要长时间恢复体力
    • consume lot of energy, sweat and require longer recovery time

Yin is slow, looking inward and stillness
Yang is fast, continuous movement and show off
When to practice Yin Yoga

1. 早上Early in the morning
2. 睡前  Later in the evening before bed 
3. 旅程之后 After a long flight
4. 经期 During your monthly cycles

my notes during YIN TTC 2014

Gentle reminders before practice
  1.   二、三个小时前禁食 Avoid heavy meals 2-3 hours before practice
  2.  穿著舒适Wear comfortable outfit
  3.  自備瑜伽垫Bring your own yoga mat
  4. 上课前先如厕 Empty your bowel
  5. 半浴 Half shower if possible
  6. 请準时 Be punctual
  7. 手机请禁音Mute your phone
  8.  处于当下Be at the present

Interesting cut and paste worksheet

Need to find out more, send your email to



  生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹 守护着自己的健康,做自己人生的主人!我选择BLOOM 胶原蛋白,由里到外的调理。你想知道如何冻龄吗?来问我。 #身心灵 #正能量 #芳疗收 #冻龄的秘密