Friday, February 10, 2012

The power of Now - 活在当下

Have you experienced while talking to someone, they seems busy on their phone/ iPad? (SMS, email, Facebook or whatapos, viber, twitter etc.)how do you feel?

This is becoming so common and they are physically there but not their souls! This also becoming one of the sign 'the relationship' is in Trouble!!

Maybe this is what you are facing with your kids - they will ask you "mom, are you with me??" trust me, kids are very sensitive, they can Feel your presence.....

There are so many things we wanted to do, we have lot of thoughts running in the mind, we are busy with all the errands .....which will never end....

This come to my realization some time ago but I need to be mindful and focus to practice what I 'know'. It is the consistency that count.

This is what I am practicing now

When I play WII with Qin Kai, I enjoy the game with him
When we read books, only books around us, no other stuffs
when I am talking to my hubby, I put my phone to silence mode
When I am with my friends, I am there with them physically and mentally
When you are eating, do use this quality time to have communication
When you are driving, you focus on the road
When you are in the toilet, no books allow
When is time to go to bed, sleep and leave all the electronic items outside the room

The list can go on....try them and see what the miracles will take place

I love you.

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  生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹 守护着自己的健康,做自己人生的主人!我选择BLOOM 胶原蛋白,由里到外的调理。你想知道如何冻龄吗?来问我。 #身心灵 #正能量 #芳疗收 #冻龄的秘密