Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day 2013

Is Valentine's Day tomorrow. It is The Day most ladies are looking forward; a day out dating with their lovers, enjoying candle light dinner, expecting presents and listening to sweet talks :) (I was once like that too...I can be date too, anyone? ha ha)

Don't you think The Day has been too commercialize? Things are extremely expensive; are they really value for money?

Do one need to wait till The Day to 'show their love'? buy expensive present? What if one can practice honesty, respect, loving and peacefulness any time, any place and any where?

I like my partner who will listen to me, resepct and honour the space and do the things I like. I am sure you will like too the companion who always encourage you, keep constant communication and very loving.  I am sure this relationship will last forever ^-^
Everyday is my Valentine's day. I don't need a reson to take care my personal grooming, I enjoy my date, dining, shopping. I can even buy a boutique of flower to freshen up the house.

Lastly, I wish you all A very Happy Valentine's Day. Every day is a good day :)

(Do remember to wish your parents, siblings, children, neighbours and whoever that you bump into a very warm greetings too!)

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