Monday, February 25, 2013

La Jin, Pai Da, Roller, Easecox, Yong Living, Ramedicare

Backache 'attack' after a 3D2N trip to Pen. Guessed I was too ambitious and exciting trying to do a lot of things during this short stay, with the hot weather in Pen, long hours of driving and not enough rest, were the contribution of the attack! (Well, the lesson learnt, will spend extra 1-2 days and Relax for my next visit!! Ha ha.)

The last severe pain was some time in 2007-2008 (if I remembered correctly!) and I have to have an injection and on the physiotherapy for 2 weeks. What a nightmare!

Anyhow, with my trust and confident in self healing, I decided not to have any western medicine this round. I was healed almost 80% in 3 days time with the following miracles:

Roller & Young Living Ortho Ease
Yuan Xi Dian pressure pointLa Jin & pai da
Ramedicare Amazing patch
Easecox girdle
E.excel G-Art 

My gratitude to my cousin sister and a friend I met in Judy Lou Shi workshop who shared with me the Yuan Xi Dian technique ( here the link, you can take a look, you will find more from the you tube - I can find the point quickly and easily. Then with the roller and YL oil, perfect matching! 

La Jin on the other hand help to lengthening the muscles, once I managed to sit up myself, I didn't wait any longer to get onto the chair for the La Jin. (I am impressed, I am enjoying the entire 30 minutes for both legs) While I was on the chair, I was doing the pai da on the both side of my thigh, I felt good.

I have been wearing Easecox girdle for the 3rd year now. This is so far one of the best girdle that with the tourmaline crystal 'in it', it promoted blood circulation & keeping my waist warm, supporting my back and slim the tummy too! (It has travelled with me to lot of countries too!) Ramedicare medicated herbal healing plaster, I always have it handy since the ingredients are plants based and can Improves blood circulation and able feel to relief muscular and body aches quickly ^_^ (well, not only ah gong and ah ma will need that ok J)

E.Excel - G-ART supports joint and bone health, it is a plant-based diet rich in glutamine and antioxidants provides the body with material to stimulate glucosamine production and help renew joint cartilage. (Well, sister, I will remember to eat as frequent as possible and not only when in pain J)

Conclusion, blood circulation played an important part in our daily life, it is important to keep our body warm and active. Again, I trust and I knew I can heal myself (this is the key I guessed…)



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