Tuesday, January 07, 2014

The land of the Inkas - PERU

Going through all my posts today and saw this article still in 'draft' mode. I couldn't  recall why I didn't finish but it was good as it refreshed my memories NOW to this beautiful Land of Inkas - Peru.

It was a great experience from Cusco till the sacred village of Machu Picchu. This was my first 30 hours flight to the other side of the world, it was my first experience taking 'homeopathic' medicine for the high altitude sickness, my first long hours on horse ride to Marcahuasi mountain, the super cold night at home stay in Lake Titicaca, so many 'first'.....ha ha

I really treasured every trip with Teacher Dehyana. There were so much to see, to learn, to accept, to let go, to love, to forgive and to get closer to myself too. The most important was the self willingness to take the first step and take action. (NO action = NO change and I would just continue doing what I was doing and perhaps still figuring why my life was like that!!)

No doubt, there will be time I have doubt, having lot of questions (how's the weather like, what should I bring along, who will be there in this trip, anything that I have missed, where to have the Yellow Fever Injection and etc.) and not sure if I have made the right decision (the indecisive, fear, not confident etc...) Anyhow, through the consistent in practice to trust and go with the flow --> all turned out to be well ^-^

Wherever I go now, I learn to take one thing at a time, slow down my pace even I am eating, drinking water or walking, always be at the present. When I started to slow down, I can enjoy the beauty around me, I can even sit and observe the bees flying among the flowers, enjoy seeing the clouds in the sky,  I can now paying full attention to listen to what my son has to say to me, aren't all these so beautiful.

Life is great, I want to thank you Teacher Dehyana, Jaime, and all the beautiful friends who have travelled with me to Peru, I love you all for your presence, your sharing, your hug and your love and support throughout the  journey. I wish you all Well & Happy.

Now, you can enjoy the photos. To all readers, I Love you too.


Building around the Lima streets
 Lima Museum with lot of funny and interesting collections
Out in the wild

 Floating island Chumi, Lake Titicaca
Home stay and the cute little girl from host family
The Land of God ~We are so beautiful.
hand craft - too small to view?

Rachi Ruins In Peru

Marcahuasi - the mountain that I will never forget...and the buddy that travel with me all the way up
I captured all these beautiful flowers for my lovely mama and papa TianSoo

I forgotten the name for this 'hotel', we spend a night before our next stop to Machu Picchu
Very cosy place and 'cold' night too!!!

The day I was there.
The land I will go back again.

Thank You Raul for inviting us to his lovely house. Beautiful family members and delicious food.
Me and Alpaca

Faces of me!

Very special treats for the day

souvenirs from Peru

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