Monday, January 21, 2013


星洲日报—副刊(养生)11。1。2013 (Friday)



  1. 抡救中风掌握黄金3小时
  2. 早抡救,减少後遗症
  3. 何谓腦中风相关检查
  4. 如何从生活细节做起⋯
  5. 饮食淸淡、保持运动习惯、稳定情绪、注意保暖、每天必喝的三杯水及起床给自己3个半分钟。

以下图示几个穴位可以舒缓头疼、头晕、心悸、胸闷,胸痛改善高血庒、平肝熄风、促进血液循环等等。 (涌泉、三阴交穴、风池、百会、曲池、內关、合谷)




The following transalation is for all friends who didn't read Chinese characters ^-^  (The above article was extracted from Sin Chew - Friday special edition dated 11.1.2013)

Do you know 'Habits'** are the primary cause for STROKE? You are not surprise to hear STROKE no longer attack the older generation, it happened among those 30-40 years old nowadays. In fact, in can happen to anyone!

**The habits that cultivate the high blood pressure, diabetes and cholesterol (and even high urine acid)
It is one of the illness that hitting the 'TOP10 board' among the youngsters.

I am very grateful my mom bought the paper on that day and I have an insight of STROKE

  1. The golden 3 hours - early treatment saves lives
  2. Increase the chance of a better recover
  3. What are the tests available to detect STROKE
  4. How to improve lifestyle (eliminate bad habits - go to bed before 11pm, avoid alcohol, smoke, do not sleep with your electronic devices, take a walk in the park / get connected with nature)
  5. Balance / healthy diet, regular exercise, avoid stress, keep body warm, 3 glasses of water and how to allow one to have the 3 x 30 sec once you woke up
The section that caught my attendtion is on the TCM. I have been drawn towards TCM, natural healing and therapy since young (this is of course influnced by my mom ^-^)

The diagrams above showed the pressure points on our body that will ease headache, chest pain, dizzy speel, improve high blood, promote blood circulation. You can massage these points regularly for general good health.

I found out that with the roller that I have, I can easilly massage the entire body with ease (of course, it would be even better if you have someone perform the task for you). To add on, I started using the Yong Living RainDrop for this purpose also. I just love it.

I  have the paper with me and if you are interested, you can leave me a message, I can make a copy for you.


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  生活中有起有落,有时候阳光普照,有时候大雨倾盆,但是只有在经历过阳光风雨之后才会有彩虹 守护着自己的健康,做自己人生的主人!我选择BLOOM 胶原蛋白,由里到外的调理。你想知道如何冻龄吗?来问我。 #身心灵 #正能量 #芳疗收 #冻龄的秘密