Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Born to run

I wrote the following blog some time in March 2012. I have revised to include the muscles part that working hard during the running.


Safety is very important to prevent injury. The body must be fully 'warmed up' before any of the running sessions. Through the roller massage, it promote blood circulation and lengthening the muscles.

由於长时间跑步容易让肩颈、腰、背、臀、腿後肌、小腿及脚底等处累積疲劳. 针对以下部位加之按摩、放松肌肉,促进循环之後,再慢慢伸展,让缩短的肌肉恢复长度。这样能降低受伤的风险。

臀大肌 (gluteus maximus muscle)
大腿後肌 (Hamstring)
豎脊肌 (erector spinae)
腰大肌 (Psoas major muscle)
腓腸肌 (gastrocnemius msucle)
腹直肌 (rectus abdominis)
腹內斜肌 (obliquus internus)
腹外斜肌 (oliquus externus abdominis)
阔背肌 (latissimus dorsi)
胸大肌 (pectoralis major)
肩胛骨 (scapula)
斜方肌 & 颈部 (trapezius)

No Breathing = No Life and No Breathing =No Yoga too!! With the breathing techniques as well as meditation, you can experience stronger mentality, better focus/concentration and most importantly, you runners, will be able to run much faster and longer distance.


Are you ready? Let's get started. The following areas

臀大肌 (gluteus maximus muscle)

腰大肌 (Psoas major muscle)

豎脊肌 (erector spinae)- Left Image /
大腿後肌 (Hamstring) - Right image
腓腸肌 (gastrocnemius msucle)

腹直肌 (rectus abdominis)
腹內斜肌 (obliquus internus)/
 腹外斜肌 (oliquus externus abdominis)

胸大肌 (pectoralis major)

肩胛骨 (scapula)

斜方肌&颈部 (trapezius)
If you are really serious in your running, yoga is an excellent choice if you still want to continue to run for years to come, get on your mat and start practising the following asanas regularly. You can get in touch with me and I am more than happy to conduct a session for you ^-^



The following asanas are great choice for runners to enhance the muscles flexibility:

- Joints exercise
- Surya namaskra
- Tadasana
- Standing Forward Bend
- Downward Dog
- High Lunge
- Pigeon Pose
- Cat/Cow Pose
- Seated Spinal Twist
- Seated Forward Bend
- Shavasana

Photos for illustration only. Please consult your yoga teacher to get into these asanas.


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