Friday, August 19, 2016

Great Tips for Women Over 40

I often receive queries how to better manage weight and eliminate the 'extra inch' gather around the waist after entering 40.

First learn to identify the reasons for the shift:

Hormones changes - less estrogen for women and less testosterone for men
Metabolism drops -  if you sit more, eat more and exercise less + deal with more stress
Loss of muscle -  lack of physical activity
Lifestyle choices - everything and everything


The protocols:
  1. Find an Exercise You Love - so you will be self motivated and no one has to convince you to do it
  2. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)** - One of my favorite types of HIIT routines are Tabata interval, which have you working hard for 20 seconds, resting for 10 seconds, and then repeating until you have reached 8 intervals
    • **workouts are designed to keep the heart rate elevated, helping buildup endurance and strength while burning more calories
  3. Remember the stretching and connective tissue massage - this is  a MUST no matter the form of exercise you going to engage; this will reduce injury and promote flexibility and better blood circulation
  4. Add more time to your workouts - if you usually exercise for 45 minutes, consider increase gradually to 1 hour (push yourself beyond your limits)
  5. Add more frequency - once a week is not enough any more, consider 2 in a day once in a while to pump up the cardio and calorie burning
  6. Stick to the Two-Day Rule - never go more than two days in a row without exercise, keep the rhythm moving
  7. Try using a pedometer or tracker -  to see how many steps you can get each day

Strength Training:
Bird Dog Pose in Yoga

Gluteus Bridge
Jog on Spot
Modified push up

Single Leg Hamstring Bridge

Basic Squat

Star Jump

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More Tips:
  1. Change your  diet - become vegetarian for 3 months, cut out the sugar, diary products and processed food
  2. Follow the 80/20 rule -  Eat healthy 80 percent, or most of the time
  3. Never Skip Breakfast - changes you will over eat the next meals and also without the food, your brain not going to function well          
  4. Drink Lemon Water - promote toxin flushing
  5. Drink Coconut oil - there are many benefits from the coconut (I will write more in another sharing)
  6. Use Essential Oil - use of therapeutic grade of essential oil to get to the balance stage
  7. Practice earthing - the easiest way is to go barefoot and stand on the grass on your garden at least 20 minutes a day
  8. Quality of sleep - a good sleep in the best remedy for all sickness
  9. Keep a Positive Attitude - believe in yourself and Trust and have faith
  10. Meditate - Start with 10 minutes focusing just on your breathing, you will be amaze with the result

Let's Get Active Now
Build muscle, burn calories, and boost metabolism ...
Wishing you all a younger, stronger and more functional body

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